Barbara Nino Carreras/accessibility

Disability access is very important!

This website is my first exploration of HTML and CSS. I coded the website using DreamWeaver. If you encounter any access issues while browsing this website please email me.

Things I have done to improve the accessibility of this website

  1. I have tested the site focusing on it's keyboard navigation.
  2. To check the accessibility of this site, I used the Wave Evaluation Tool extension for Google Chrome.
  3. When designing the website and the structure, I took inspiration from the website Accessibility Weekly.
  4. I have implemented aria labels where needed, I am in the process of understanding how to use these properly.
  5. I use alt attributes and describe all elements of images while being concise and fun.
  6. I stay humble and keep making improvements to this site as I learn more and receive feedback from visitors.
  7. I prioritize neurodivergent and blind joy over visually-dominated or overstimulating design.
  8. I think of access as an act of love as opposed to being simply understood as a question of compliance or logistics.